Sunday, March 2, 2014

Strength in Numbers

I just finished my first week of Insanity, a workout program that is 60 days long, 6 days a week and is just basically insane. So I guess that is why it's called Insanity. Since August I've really been trying to exercise close to every day, early in the morning before my day starts being a mom. But this program is different. It's really challenging for me and it reminds me of how I feel after a good, hard run. After these workouts you feel the exercise "high" for sure and it's really pretty awesome. But here is the key. I could not do this program, for 60 days, if it wasn't for my workout support group: my fellow Insanity exercisers. 4 of us have dedicated our 5-6 am time slot, 5 mornings a week, to meet together to do this workout. This week we even decided to meet on Saturday together at 5:30-that was pretty impressive:)
If I didn't have these other ladies showing up, pushing themselves (therefore pushing me) I would not workout as hard as I do. The key component in this program, and any other workout program one chooses is truly Strength in numbers. 
I think that is one of the main reasons my class draws the interest it does. It's a small group of 8 ladies who come together, to share in this family of exercise, 3 mornings a week. They sweat together, talk together, whine together, share together. It's pretty amazing. 
I'm thankful for my fellow workout partners and I'm thankful for my workout clients who I know appreciate the strength in numbers and all that it entails. 

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